Troy Sedation Explains Dental Anxiety and Sedation Solutions

Written by Dr. Bentley on Sep 6, 2016

Are you one of the many people who experience fear just thinking about a dental visit? Dental anxiety is very common. It’s estimated that nearly 40 million people in the US put off treatment because they’re so fearful. However, there’s no need to suffer and go without the care you need. The Troy Sedation Dentist offers options for providing a safe, anxiety-free dental experience for those who are afraid of the dentist.

Many sedatives used in sedation dentistry can be taken by mouth, meaning no injections, no anxiety and no pain. This is referred to as oral sedation. Some sedatives work so effectively that lots of patients don’t even recall the details of the procedure afterward. Your comfort and well-being are of great importance to us, so safety and compliance are two important aspects of treatment.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is an excellent choice for people who fear needles. Oral medication is provided prior to treatment to induce a state of moderate sedation. This means that most patients cannot remember the pain, smells or noises associated with the procedure. A dose of medication should be taken prior to the appointment, then topped up as necessary during the procedure.

What types of drugs are used in oral conscious sedation?

There are a number of sedatives that are commonly used in sedation dentistry. Different medications produce different results. Many of them have amnesic properties, which simply means you will have little or no memory of the procedure afterward. Some are longer acting so they are good for lengthy, complex procedures. Others don’t last as long, and these are good for shorter procedures. You will still need a designated driver, but the effects don’t last as long. Some are particularly good for anxiety, making it easier for you to get to our Troy sedation dentist office in a calm state.

If you have questions or concerns about oral conscious sedation, please contact the Troy Sedation Dentist, and we will be happy to discuss your options.