Our Troy Sedation Dentist Explains Ways to Cope with Dental Anxiety

Written by Dr. Bentley on Sep 22, 2015

Does the thought of dental visits frighten you? If you get nervous or anxious when you think about going to the dentist, you may be one of the large numbers of people who struggle with dental phobia.

The Troy Sedation Dentist is completely sensitive to this common problem and the ways in which it can undermine your efforts to achieve oral health. Fortunately, we have come up with solutions that allow you to get the important dental treatment you need.

The majority of people who deal with dental anxiety have had a bad dental experience in the past. Some have a negative reaction to the sights and sounds of the dentist office, and others worry that their dentist will not know if they are experiencing discomfort.

Sensitive Professional Care

Our professional team knows how important optimal oral health is to your overall well-being. We understand that your anxiety is a very real problem, and we take the time to learn what it is that makes you afraid. Once we know the source of your anxiety, we can help you take steps toward a positive, healthy approach to your ongoing dental care.

Oral Conscious Sedation – Oral conscious sedation can be very effective if you experience severe dental anxiety or are having a more complex procedure. Our dentist will prescribe a calming medication for you to take about an hour before your appointment.

This is very helpful because it means that when you arrive at our office you will already feel calm and relaxed. 

We urge you not to put off dental treatment because of anxiety because our sedation options will help you get the important treatment you need without stress or anxiety. Please contact our office for more detailed information or to arrange a consultation.