Stop Gum Disease For Good With The Help Of Our Troy Dentists

Written by Dr. Bentley on Jul 7, 2020

When we talk about oral hygiene routines we often talk about how to care for your teeth. However, maintaining strong and resilient gum tissue is just as important. Your gum tissue is the foundation of your smile, and when it is compromised you are at an increased risk of suffering from cavities, chronic bad breath, and tooth loss.

Our Troy gum disease dentists help patients bounce back from gum disease by:

Clearing away bacteria

The first step in the treatment process is to give your smile a thorough cleaning. Our team will remove plaque as well as tartar (plaque that has been allowed to calcify on the tooth structure). Once your smile is fresh and clean, we will be better able to assess your oral health and proceed with treatment.

Removing infected tissues

Next, we will clear away any oral tissues that are already diseased or beyond help. It is important to remove these tissues so that your immune system is not overburdened, and the infections are not allowed to spread. We want to make it as easy as possible for your smile to recover. 

Promoting healing

Your immune system is already working hard to heal oral infections, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t help it along. You may benefit from using rinses or toothpastes that are specially formulated to kill oral bacteria. Laser gum disease treatment also promotes the natural healing process, because it actually seals any healthy gum tissue while it removes infection. Our goal is to keep your smile as clean as possible so that it can recover.

Rebuilding lost tissue

If you have lost a significant amount of gum tissue due to infection, you may require gum grafts to build up your gums. Because your gums protect and cover your tooth roots, rebuilding missing tissue is crucial to reclaiming a healthy and comfortable smile.

If you think your oral tissues are infected or damaged, please reach out to our Troy dental team to schedule a consultation. The sooner you begin treating the infection, the better your long-term dental prognosis will be!