If you suffer from dental anxiety, it may be hard to imagine going through your next dental procedure while you rest comfortably, waking without any memory of the procedure after it’s over. If you cringe at the thought of going to the dentist, have a fear of needles, or have sensitive teeth, you may be surprised to find out how sedation can make your dental anxiety a thing of the past.
The Sedation Dentist in Troy, Ohio offers oral conscious sedation. Here’s how it works…
Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS)
If we determine that Oral Conscious Sedation is best for you, the Sedation Dentist in Troy, Ohio will prescribe an appropriate form of medication that you should take prior to arriving at the office for treatment. This will provide a sense of deep relaxation and comfort, enabling you to undergo your treatment while feeling drowsy and relaxed.
Throughout your procedure, our oral conscious sedation dentistry team will ensure that you are relaxed and resting comfortably. At the conclusion of your treatment we will stay with you until we feel you are ready to go home. Please remember that, if you have a treatment plan that includes sedation dentistry, a driver will be needed to get you home.
We want you to easily get the treatment you need, and our sedation dentistry can help. Please contact our office for more details or to make a convenient appointment with our dentist.